Problems You Face When You Have A blog Related To Money
First of all sorry to all my regular readers for writing this post after a long time I was quite busy with my other business.
today's topic is a bit odd I am here going to Write what Problems I had to face Because My blog Is Related To Money and some tips to avoid those(though I don't have many)
first problem I faced was that my blog was labeled as spam by blogspot's algorithm
so everything I have to give the verification code while publishing . Its time consuming when you are modifying your blogs template a lot like me.
if you have the same problem you can request the blogger to remove the spam thing from your blog after reviewing it manually ,though it took me 2 requests to get them review my blog.
The other problem I faced was when you submit your article to any big website like delicious or digg ,there are people who comment your post as spam only after reading the title which is obviously related to money .
one more problem you face is of exchanging links that there are many few site that are available which are related to money and provide Genuine Content , there are some good genuine blogs which though cover a lot of topics but also include earning money , but I found they are too big so probably they wont exchange links with my tinypiny.
sometime I get email from a reader saying why you have written in your introduction that you are passionate about money , it means you are too greedy , one time I got a mail like why you are providing affiliates or ad's on your site (even though I don't have any programs of mine)if you are providing Genuine content ,well I don't think earning from your blog ,while giving other's some tips is a bad thing, but you are bond to get such type emails if you have a blog on money , don't let these review discourage you, you'll get some emails with encouragement,if you get none ask from me and I'll ask from you hehe.
all in all I am happy about my blog even though I get mixed reviews most of the time so if you also have similar problems just keep on writing and don't worry about reviews and in the long time you'll have some reader's who'll visit your blog .If you don't get any , get your small bro to see your site (that's what I do)hehe .
hope you enjoyed reading the next post will be on some tips about e-bay.
update : i thought i will never have to update this article but i had too because even digg stopped my website submission yesterday duh! but after sending the request i think it has worked
NEXT ARTICLE : How To earn Money For Living At E-bay
today's topic is a bit odd I am here going to Write what Problems I had to face Because My blog Is Related To Money and some tips to avoid those(though I don't have many)
first problem I faced was that my blog was labeled as spam by blogspot's algorithm
so everything I have to give the verification code while publishing . Its time consuming when you are modifying your blogs template a lot like me.
if you have the same problem you can request the blogger to remove the spam thing from your blog after reviewing it manually ,though it took me 2 requests to get them review my blog.
The other problem I faced was when you submit your article to any big website like delicious or digg ,there are people who comment your post as spam only after reading the title which is obviously related to money .
one more problem you face is of exchanging links that there are many few site that are available which are related to money and provide Genuine Content , there are some good genuine blogs which though cover a lot of topics but also include earning money , but I found they are too big so probably they wont exchange links with my tinypiny.
sometime I get email from a reader saying why you have written in your introduction that you are passionate about money , it means you are too greedy , one time I got a mail like why you are providing affiliates or ad's on your site (even though I don't have any programs of mine)if you are providing Genuine content ,well I don't think earning from your blog ,while giving other's some tips is a bad thing, but you are bond to get such type emails if you have a blog on money , don't let these review discourage you, you'll get some emails with encouragement,if you get none ask from me and I'll ask from you hehe.
all in all I am happy about my blog even though I get mixed reviews most of the time so if you also have similar problems just keep on writing and don't worry about reviews and in the long time you'll have some reader's who'll visit your blog .If you don't get any , get your small bro to see your site (that's what I do)hehe .
hope you enjoyed reading the next post will be on some tips about e-bay.
update : i thought i will never have to update this article but i had too because even digg stopped my website submission yesterday duh! but after sending the request i think it has worked
NEXT ARTICLE : How To earn Money For Living At E-bay

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